The Winterover Crew
Don McCreight, the station manager
and carpenter.
The "Old Man" in his office.
Computers and hammers go together

Robert Frederick (Fred) the power
plant mechanic, our most important man on station.
If the lights are on, I'm working.

Brian Ellspermann, working in cargo
and materials.
"We are here to support trash, not science."

Alton Dunn (Chip) our man in Comms
This is the life.
Lawrence Cleavelin (Cleve) our computer technician.
Not only his son calls him Pops
Hi Sonny!
Chris Cleavelin, Aurora Science Technician
Uncle Chris says:"I want YOU for the U.S. Antarctic Program!!!
Hi Melissa!
I'm Hans and I pump you up!
Dave Koester, our Maintanance Specialist, if the refrigerator is running, he is the man to catch it.

Ken Lobe, the second Maintanance Specialist and Heavy Equipment Operator.
We can't wait to see one of these again.
Liza And Ken will have a special celebration down here - their 25th wedding anniversary
Liza Lobe, the Inventory Control Specialist

Lt. Mark Boland, the NOAA Officer in Charge of the Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory
The King of Slushies.
Sandra Collins, Cusp Science Technician. You make my earth quake.
Stop looking at me.

Glen McConville, the NOAA Technician
I'm no dummy!

Hugh Cowan our doctor
Tschsssssssss, is that right?
Also the creator of new German words, like "jaber".
Shawndra Holmberg, Safety, Environment and Health Coordinator. She is the Queen of fire drills and trash.
Wasted thought for the day.

JD Mayfield, the CARA SPIRAC winterover.

Matthew Wolf (Matt) the Meteorologist
He's the one we blame for the weather.
What temperature do you want today?
Dawn LaPrete, our cook.

Today we will have this delicious asparagus.
PJ Charpentier, the Lidar Technician.

Born to beak, prost!

Mike Courtemanche, the Meteorology Technician

Gary Hill, the only Australian here
on station. He is also working on AMANDA

He is also the best man to ask if you have problems with your American taxes.
Drew Hampton, the Heavy Equipment Mechanic

JP McMullan, Senior Materials
JP is also the MAPCON (some strange logistical computer
program) expert.

Tom Tatley, the Electrician

Paul Sullivan, the Highlander "Es kann nur einen geben (There can be only one)"
The Highlander, also known as
walros and the liquid gas man, is in charge of all the liquid helium.

He also works part time on AMANDA
Matthias Rumitz, the AST/RO winterover scientist. He is also from Germany.

Jeff Smith, our South Pole Network Administrator

Robert Schwarz, the second German on board with his favorite milk, also if it's just powdered.
Going outside with the proper face
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