Solstice - 50's and 60's night
Pop's diner, well known
for the burgers and Fred's milkshakes.

Menu of the day.
And the milkshakes were
delicious. By the way our heart belongs to AMANDA :))).
"Jaber haaalllloooo,
where are the burgers.
Nerd of the month.

Everybody enjoyed the past
tense. At 20:18 local time we had a cheer on the solstice. We reached midwinter and
the sun is back on the way to our side of the planet.
JP got a little bit confused
with the variety on the menu, but everything except burgers, french fries and onion rings were out.
MAPCON broke JP's heart
a long time ago.
New orders coming in without
a break.
More faked tatoos :)).
Pop's diner - of course
with full service.

Happy Solstice to
all people on this continent an the rest of the world.

Later on we even got some
new movies, that were saved for midwinter.
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