Sun Set

21st of March, Equinox at 01:56 in
the morning. Because of refraction in the atmosphere, the sun is still over the horizon.

This evening we had a big sun set
party in Skylab, one of the only rooms with big windows.
The room was decorated and flooded
with sunlight through the three big windows (The last time for a while).

The last opportunity to get some
shots from the sun.

Glenn with Juta and the art of
Chip always ready for nonsense.
Always on the hunt for a good shot.
Chip & Chris

The sun behind the old Clean Air

Hot sun, hot party, some need to
cool off with some snow.

A view from top of Skylab.
"Good Vibrations..."

If snow is not enough, one has to
run out for cooling.

Iceflowers on the window
Sun moving behind the GASP


Because of the lack of girls, some
used chairs.
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