2 October 1998 through 8 October 1998 UTC
Avg Temp...-63.5 (C) / -82.3 (F)
Max Temp...-59.0 (C) / -74.2 (F) on day 2
Min Temp...-66.8 (C) / -88.2 (F) on day 4
Sky Cover:
Avg Sky Cover (8ths)... 2
Days clear............. 4
Days partly cloudy..... 3
Days cloudy............ 0
Sunset on 21 March, Sunrise on 23 September
Avg hours/day......... 22.9
Percent of possible... 95.5
Station Pressure (millibars):
Avg pressure........ 675.6 mbs
Highest pressure.... 681.5 mbs on day 2
Lowest pressure..... 669.9 mbs on day 8
Physio-Altitude in feet and meters:
Average Physio-Alt = 10795 ft / 3290 m
Highest Physio-Alt = 11012 ft / 3356 m on day 8
Lowest Physio-Alt = 10572 ft / 3222 m on day 2
0 days with visibility of 1/4 mile or less.
Avg wind speed............ 8.6 mph or 7.5 kts
Max gust.................. 17 mph or 15 kts on day 2
Max gust direction........ From grid East
Vectored wind direction... 103 degrees
Vectored wind speed....... 7.2 kts
Prevailing direction...... Grid East
Balloon Flight Data:
Number of Soundings for the period.... 7
Avg hgt of Soundings.................. 134.7 mbs, or 12958 meters
Highest Sounding...................... 97.7 mbs, or 14639 meters
on day 3/00Z flight.
0 Soundings were missed.
7 Soundings were terminated due to balloon burst.
Day 7 - The minimum temperature of -66.4(C)/-87.5(F) broke
the previous record of -64.3(C)/-83.7(F) set in 1994.
Day 8 - The minimum temperature of -66.7(C)/-88.1(F) tied
the previous record for this day set in 1977.
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