South Pole winter 2018 (my 14th year at the Pole)
South Pole winter 2017 (my 13th year at the Pole)
South Pole winter 2016 (my 12th year at the Pole)
South Pole winter 2015 (my 11th year at the Pole)
South Pole winter 2014 (my 10th year at the Pole)
South Pole winter 2013 (my 9th year at the Pole)
South Pole winter 2012 (my 8th year at the Pole)
South Pole summer-winter 2010/2011 (my 7th year at the Pole)
my short fame with esa
South Pole winter 2007 (my 6th year at the Pole)
South Pole winter 2006 (my 5th year)
South Pole summer-winter 2004/2005 (my 4th year)
South Pole summer-winter 2002/2003 (my third year down at the Pole)
South Pole summer 1999/2000 (only a summer season this time)
South Pole winter 1998 (my second year)
South Pole summer-winter 1996/1997 (my first year down here)
Current South Pole Weather Current temperature (Will only work if there was a recent update via the satellite) How you can reach me Where am I aurora movies & more View and sign my guestbook There are some great links on this page, check it out :)) More links about Antarctica |
e-mail: iceman(at)